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CS357 Mobile App Development

Instructor Information

👨‍🏫 Hans Dulimarta
🏢 MAK C-2215

Reserve 15-minute blocks of office hour at Calendly.

Course Delivery Tools

We will be using a combination of these tools for course delivery this semester:

  • GVSU Blackboard: grading, feedback, etc.
  • Slack: communications related to course work. Please check your GVSU email for an invite to the cis357-gvsu-w24 workspace. Once you signed in, please use the #mobile-app-dev-course channel.
  • GitHub and GitHub Classroom: submission of homework solution and provide feedback

Course Description and Objectives

Fundamental concepts and technologies underlying mobile application development. All aspects of developing and deploying conventional mobile applications are covered, including mobile user interfaces, location-based services, integration with social media and other cloud-based services. Also covered will be effective use of mobile analytics and privacy concerns.

After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Analyze mobile app use case scenarios and create design wireframes.
  • Demonstrate programming proficiency on a conventional native mobile application software stack
  • Apply underlying fundamentals of mobile application development
  • Interpret mobile application analytics data and make necessary refinements to a deployed application
  • Identify potential user privacy concerns and create mobile privacy policy statement to address


Required: Mastering Mobile Application Development: A Comparative Approach. 2nd Edition, 2021. Englesma and Dulimarta. Ebook available via LeanPub

Grading Scale and Point Distribution

+ -
 ≥ 93: A≥ 90: A-
≥ 87: B+≥ 83: B≥ 80: B-
≥ 77: C+≥ 73: C≥ 70: C-
≥ 67: D+≥ 60: D< 60: F
Grading ItemPercentage
Class Participation5%
Mobile Application Project25%
Midterm Exam20%
Final Exam20%

Homework/Project Assignments and Late Policies

In order to learn the concepts taught in this course, it is important that the student get hands-on experience. Thus, the homework assignments and semester project are a significant part of this course. Do not get behind on the assignments, as it will be difficult to catch up!

  • Homework exercises are due end of day (11:59pm) on the due date

  • Each student has a 4-day late allowance through out the semester.


    • Each day of late submissions will deduct your allowance by 1 day, with the following exceptions

      • Official university holidays count for 0 days
      • Each day of weekends (Sat & Sun) counts for 0.5 days
    • Once your late allowance is zero, late submissions will not be accepted anymore

General Course Policies

This course is subject to the GVSU policies listed online

In addition:

  • At Grand Valley State University, regular attendance in class and other course activities is considered an essential part of the students’ educational experience and a requirement for an adequate evaluation of student academic progress.

  • Coursework missed because of excused absences should be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. Although makeup work will not remove the full adverse effect of the absence in all cases, faculty members will make reasonable accommodations for students when an absence is excused. The accommodations available will vary with course and program. The degree of the effect upon grades will vary with the nature and amount of work missed and must be measured according to the instructor’s best judgment. In case of excessive absences, the instructor may refuse to grant credit for the course. Under some circumstances, an incomplete grade followed by a resolution according to university policy, or withdrawal from the course, is appropriate.

  • Absences due to the following reasons should be treated as excused:

    1. absences of students who miss class due to active participation in an intercollegiate event;
    2. absences due to the observance of religious holidays, see SLT 9.6, Religious Inclusion Policy;
    3. absences due to military duty;
    4. absences due to jury duty, or appearance in court or other government hearings;
    5. student medical conditions that preclude class attendance;
    6. birth or adoption of child;
    7. absences due to attendance at an academic and/or professional conference; and
    8. bereavement for an individual of significant relationship.

    Instructors have discretion to determine whether absences for other reasons should be treated as excused (e.g. study abroad program).

  • Academic Honesty: You are expected to read, understand, and follow the department's Academic Honesty Policy which can be found at


If you are in need of accommodations due to a learning, physical, or other disability you must present a memo to me from Disability Support Resources (DSR), indicating the existence of a disability and the suggested reasonable accommodations. If you have not already done so, please contact the Disability Support Resources office (215 CON) by calling 331-2490 or email to Please note that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received a copy of the DSR issued memo. All discussions will remain confidential.

Furthermore, if you have a physical disability and think you will need assistance evacuating this classroom and/or building in an emergency situation, please make me aware so I can develop a plan to assist you.

Tentative Schedule

Week ofTopic
1: Aug 26-30Introduction to Mobile Development
2: Sep 2-6Introduction to Kotlin & Coroutines
3: Sep 9-13Android Architecture
4: Sep 16-20Jetpack Compose: Basics & Layout
5: Sep 23-27Navigation, List
6: Sep 30-Oct 4Firebase: Cloud Datastore
7: Oct 7-11Android Firebase Integration
8: Oct 14-18Midterm Exam & Intro to Android
9: Oct 21-25Mid-semester break
10: Oct 28-Nov 1Learning Swift
11: Nov 4-8Introduction to iOS Development
12: Nov 11-15Navigation and Delegation in iOS
13: Nov 18-22UI and Auto Layout
14: Nov 25-29UITableView and CocoaPods
15: Dec 2-6Review
16: Dec 9-13Final Exam (Thu, Dec 12, 8-10a)