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CS457 Data Communications

Instructor Information

👨‍🏫 Hans Dulimarta
🏢 MAK C-2215

MonTueWedThuFri8:30-9:00a9:00-9:30a9:30-10:00a10:00-10:30a10:30-11:00a11:00-11:30a11:30-noon12:00-noon12:30-1:00p13:00-1:30pCS357CS357CS457CS457CS457CS452CS452CS452-01 LabOfficeOfficeOfficeOffice
Reserve 15-minute blocks of office hour at Calendly.

Course Description

An introduction to data communication techniques, particularly as applied to computer networks. Physical media and devices, data link and network protocols, and other other data communication topics will be studied. Offered Fall and Winter semesters.

Prerequsites: CIS241 and (CIS Major or CIS Minor or EGR major standing).


  1. Explain layered communication protocol architecture
  2. Describe the operation of various routing protocols
  3. Compare reliable and unreliable data transfer protocols
  4. Develop distributed network application using the Sockets interface
  5. Apply various security measures in networks

Required Textbooks, Software, Accounts, and Supplies

Learning Activities

1Aug 26-30Welcome, Syllabus, Logistics
2Sep 2-6Introduction
3Sep 9-13Application Layer
4Sep 16-20Application Layer
5Sep 23-27Transport Layer
6Sep 30-Oct 4Transport Layer
7Oct 7-11Network Layer
8Oct 14-18Network Layer
9Oct 21-25Network Layer
10Oct 28-Nov 1Network Layer
11Nov 4-8Link Layer
12Nov 11-15Link Layer
13Nov 18-22Network Security
14Nov 25-29Thanksgiving Recess
15Dec 2-6Network Security
16Dec 9-13Final Exam, Dec 11, 8-10a

Point Distributions

A–≥ 90A≥ 94
B–≥ 80B≥ 83B+≥ 87
C–≥ 70C≥ 73C+≥ 77
D–≥ 60D≥ 63D+≥ 67
F< 60
Quizzes (Weekly Knowledge Check)5
Homework (end of chapter)10
Labs (Wireshark)25
Programming Assignments20
Midterm Exam15
Final Exam25


Expect a minimum time commitment of six hours each week to complete coursework outside of class

Class Policies

GVSU Email and Course Communications

Students are responsible for all communications sent via Blackboard and to their GVSU email account.


Under FERPA, as a student, your educational records are considered confidential. If you have any concerns about privacy, please contact the instructor immediately. Also please note that all course communications will fall under the Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity policies referenced below.

Grades and Extra Credit

Scores are posted on Blackboard as soon as possible after the due date. To see scores and detailed grading feedback, click “My Grades” from the Blackboard course main navigation. The instructor will occasionally offer extra credit opportunities in assignments. Please do not ask if there is any extra credit that you can do to raise your grade. You shouldn’t have to do anything “extra” to do well in this class.

Assignments and Assessments

Each student is required to complete all learning activities by the due date deadline. Late submissions will be penalized by 15% per day. Nothing will be accepted if more than 72 hours late, or if a solution has been posted. However, you will receive a budget of 5 grace days for the course. All assignments, graded discussions, quizzes, exams, etc., are submitted electronically to Blackboard. No assignments are accepted via email, printed, or any other method. There are several available computer labs available for you to complete course work. Note: GVSU Lab Assistants are not tutors; however, they are available to help with lab computer issues. Your instructor is available to help with assignment questions (contact information is located in this syllabus and in Blackboard).


  • Attendance to class is expected.
  • Students are responsible for material, announcements, and learning activities covered in class. Obtain lecture notes from a classmate if you miss class.
  • Some quiz and exam questions may refer to material covered only in class.
  • There is a direct relationship between attendance and your grade. Simply put, if you miss class, your grade is negatively impacted. See the university’s attendance policy for more information.

University Policies

Registrar - Last Day to Drop

The last day to drop with a “W” is Nov 8. Students must initiate drop through Registrar.

Disability Support Resources

If you need accommodations because of a learning, physical, or other disability, please contact your instructor and Disability Support Resources at 616.331.2490. Furthermore, if you have a physical disability and think you will need assistance evacuating this classroom and/or building in an emergency situation, please make me aware so I can develop a plan to assist you.

Assistive technology computers are available in many GVSU computer labs. Also, Blackboard has a commitment to accessibility statement providing information about accessibility in all of their products.

Student Code of Conduct

Standards of conduct are established in order to generate an atmosphere in which the goals and objectives of the institution can flourish. Individual rights can only be ensured with acceptance of individual and group responsibilities and respect for the rights of others. Individuals attending GVSU automatically place themselves under the applicable rules and regulations of the institution.

Academic Integrity

All course assignments, learning activities, and assessments, are to be authored and completed individually, by the student themselves. Failure to be able to correctly cite, explain and defend your submissions is an indication that it is not your work. While assisting another student in learning is part of the academic process, completing the assigned work as a team or group effort (except for group projects as assigned by the instructor) is not allowed and will be considered Academic Dishonesty. No Academic Dishonesty will be tolerated, and such activity may result in failure of a specific assignment, an entire course, or, if flagrant, dismissal from Grand Valley. For further information see the Student Code, and the consequences include penalties established by GVSU’s Academic Integrity policy.

Campus Emergencies

In case of fire, immediately proceed to the nearest exit during a fire alarm. Use a staircase, not an elevator. To sign up for campus emergency alerts and to access more information, please visit the GVSU Emergency website.

Learning Resources

See the “Help & Support” section of Blackboard for help with using Blackboard; a link to the Blackboard Student Mobile App and Blackboard IM; GVSU computer lab hours and locations; GVSU IT HelpDesk; accessibility and Disability Support Resources.