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CS371 Web Application Development

Instructor Information

👨‍🏫 Hans Dulimarta
🏢 MAK C-2215

Reserve 15-minute blocks of office hour at Calendly.

Course Description

The tools and techniques for developing dynamic Web applications. Topics include scripting languages, markup languages, database connectivity, Web standards and security issues.

This course offers an exploration into the programming structure of the world wide web. Materials covered include the techniques and models that are commonly used as well as a survey of the programming and markup languages that are employed.

Formal Prerequisites

Course Prereqs: (CS162 or CIS260) and (CIS333 or CIS353)

Practical Prerequisites

  • Know how to use git for source code version control
  • Comfortable installing and running commands from a terminal (Windows command prompt)
  • Know how to use source code debugger

Course Objective

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop server side scripts to support a web application
  2. Develop client side scripts that interact with users and server side scripts
  3. Combine client and server scripts with third-party libraries to enhance applications
  4. Construct a stylesheet to achieve basic formatting
  5. Utilize web APIs to send and receive data between client and server
  6. Analyze and construct a web site that solves a large problem


None - web resources will be provided


  • Homework: homework will be assigned to reinforce the course topics

  • Project: will involve students designing, writing, and debugging their own web-based application. Students are expected to work in teams of 2-3 students.

  • Every student is responsible for material covered or announcements made in class any day he/she is absent.

Course Policies

  • Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date
  • No late assignments will be accepted for grading
  • Unless specified otherwise, all assignments are to be completed individually
  • This course is subject to the GVSU policies listed at

Grading Scale and Point Distribution

+ -
 ≥ 93: A≥ 90: A-
≥ 87: B+≥ 83: B≥ 80: B-
≥ 77: C+≥ 73: C≥ 70: C-
≥ 67: D+≥ 60: D< 60: F
Grading ItemPercentage
Final Exam15
Final Project20

The instructor reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the point distribution.

Tentative Schedule

1Jan 8Introduction, HTML, DOM, CSS
2Jan 15HTTP
3Jan 22(Java/Type)Script, JSON, JS Promise
4Jan 29CSS FlexBox and Grid
5Feb 5Server Side Programming
6Feb 12Cloud Database
7Feb 19VueJS
8Feb 26Routing & Global State Management, Mid Term #1
9Mar 4Spring Break
10Mar 11React
11Mar 18React Hooks, Routing & Global State
12Mar 25Unit Testing
13Apr 1Web Assembly
14Apr 8Review, Midterm #2
15Apr 15Project Presentation
## References

Academic Honesty

All students are expected to adhere to the academic honesty standard set forth by Grand Valley State University. In addition, students in this course are expected to adhere to the academic honesty guidelines as set forth by the School of Computing and Information Systems.